Setup your worker node

under 10 minutes

Download the App

Visit to download the app for your operating system, or select your OS from the options below.

Step 1
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Download Wallet

Choose your preferred wallet setup method by either downloading the SubWallet mobile app from or using Ledger via LedgerLive.

Find out how to set up your preferred wallet method:

Step 2
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Connect Wallet

On the Discover page, click the Connect button in the top right or left panel.
A pop-up will prompt you to Connect to EWX Account.

Select Connect Wallet  ➝  Click Connect  ➝  Choose Wallet  ➝  Then connect via QR code or URL

Step 3
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Choose the account

Scan QR code in Step 3. Choose the account you like to connect to the Marketplace App.

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Step 4
Lift Tokens

Look to the top right corner of the app. Click on your wallet address, you should see the option to lift. Click and it will bring a pop-up like it did in step 3. Follow the same step.

Select Wallet Connect  ➝  Click Connect  ➝  Choose Wallet  ➝  Then connect via QR code or URL

Choose the account you like to lift from, go back to the marketplace app and enter the amount you want to lift and approve the transaction.

Step 5
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Stake Tokens

On the discover page, you should see options of pools available to stake in. Select any of the pools to stake in and click on Opt-In, it should pop-up to ask you how many tokens you want to stake. Click continue when done. Check your crypto wallet to approve transitions.

Step 6
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Run a Node

Go to the dashboard, select the pool you are staking in, click on Enable Worker. It will ask you to download a logic, accept and download. Once done, your node status should say running.

Learn How to run your Node on the Cloud.

Step 7
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